Grant Application & Funding

Newcastle Development Association invites requests for funding from Groups and Organisations strongly associated with the town of Newcastle.

Criteria for Financial Assistance:

Newcastle Development Association invites requests for funding from Groups and Organisations strongly associated with the town of Newcastle. Funding can be requested for both Revenue and Capital expenditure. Any Project that you apply for funding for must meet our charitable aims below:

  • The prevention or relief of poverty
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of community development
  • The advancement of the arts, culture and sports.
  • The advancement of environmental protection and improvement

We will expect any Group or Organisation to show a level of self-help and will only fund 100% of a project in exceptional circumstances. Funding can be provided to group/organisations in advance of the projected spend to assist in cashflow.

How To Apply…

Applications using the form below can be sent by email to the association

There is no deadline for applications and generally we will reply within two months:

If successful, Group’s will be required to complete a grant feedback form within three months of your funding being granted.